Store Survey – Kroger Customer Satisfaction Survey

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The Kroger Co. is one of the nation’s largest grocery retailers operating a huge variety of stores in the jewelry, convenience store, supermarket and department store sectors. Kroger has over 20 brands including Ralphs, Food4Less, Baker’s and City Market all sharing the same belief in brand loyalty and local focus with customers.

Kroger Customer Satisfaction Survey

If you have received an invitation on your receipt to fill out the Kroger survey from one of its many brands and supermarkets then go to the survey website at and give your honest feedback on products and service received whilst out shopping. – Win a $100 Grocery Gift Card

The short survey is easy to complete and you will need to enter the date and time of your visit as well as the store number and operator to ensure feedback reaches the correct location. Go to and follow the instructions for your chance to win the $100 Gift Card to spend on groceries.

About Kroger Customer Satisfaction Survey

Kroger Feedback Survey –
Prize: $100 Kroger Grocery Gift Card


  1. Make your directions clearer. Had a coupon for cheese from the deli service case. Went to deli, not dairy section, and got cheese only to find it had to be from inside the case to be an accepted coupon. Otherwise, love the store and the people.

  2. I believe in cleans and I think customs should put stuff back were they got it from because its enough work for the employees already so just help them out and put it back were you got it please. I had something I didn’t want anymore and Simeon told me just put it any were and I told them no I’ll just put it were I got it from and a worker by the name of Mrs.Elizebeth jetski from floral heard me say that and have me this paper to try and win a 100 gift card. So thanks very much

  3. Please break ground on new Commerce, Mi store. Old store is tried looking and ran down. Please make sure you include a gas station if you can.

    Overall selection in dry goods needs improvement, produce needs a major overhaul. Increase local buy and get fresh multiple times a week out of eastern market instead of trucking out an obscure warehouse used to repack truck to ship mixed loads.

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