Retail Survey – Tell Ashley Stewart Satisfaction Survey

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Tell Ashley Stewart Satisfaction Survey

Pioneering fashion for plus-sized African American women, Ashley Stewart changed the way retailers think about bigger sizes in fashion. Now with over 380 stores in more than 100 cities, like Los Angeles and New York, including the amazing flagship store in Harlem, Ashley Stewart is the place to shop for on trend fashion, sportswear and of course lingerie. Now Ashley Stewart wants to know what you think about their stores on

Ashley Stewart Satisfaction Survey – 15% coupon for your next visit

Did you get great customer service at your local store? Are you impressed by the range of sexy and fashionable clothing for plus-sized women? Your thoughts about Ashley Stewart can earn you a 15% coupon for your next visit by completing the survey Entering Tell Ashley Stewart Satisfaction Survey

Grab your last receipt from Ashley Stewart and head to the survey site Here you can enter the date of your visit, transaction and location codes. Select from the drop down what time you visited the store and indicate approximately how much you spent. Continue answering the survey questions making sure you do so in the 20 minute completion time limit.

About Tell Ashley Stewart Survey

Ashley Stewart Guest Satisfaction Survey Link:
Ashley Stewart official website:
Survey prize: Coupon for 15% off your next purchase


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