Store Survey – Dick’s Fresh Market Survey

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Dick’s Fresh Market Survey

Dick’s Market first opened back in 1967, and Centerville folks loved having quality grocery products and excellent customer service in their own town. Today, Dick’s Fresh Market offers their customers a complete grocery shopping experience, with several departments such as meat, produce, bakery, deli and floral. Now the folks at Dick’s Market want to know what you think, and are inviting all guests to complete their customer survey

Dick’s Fresh Market Guest Survey – Win $50 gift card

Why do you love shopping for your groceries at Dick’s Fresh Market? Is it because they always have the freshest produce at your local grocery store? Or do you love the personalised customer service and friendly shopping atmosphere? Now is you chance to give feedback on your most recent visit, by entering Dick’s Customer Survey at To say thanks, you’ll be entered into the draw for a chance to win a $50 Gift Card.

How to Complete Dick’s Fresh Market Feedback Survey –

It’s never been easier to complete this survey.

  1. Go to
  2. Select the location you visited, either Centerville or Bountiful.
  3. Indicate how satisfied you were with your last visit.
  4. Tell Dick’s Market if you would recommend their store to your friends and family.
  5. Rate your satisfaction with produce, meat, deli, bakery and floral departments.
  6. Give feedback on how easy you thought the checkout experience was.
  7. Enter your contact details for a chance to win a $50 Dick’s Market Gift Card!

About Dick’s Fresh Market Survey

Survey Link:
Official Site:
Survey prize: $50 Dick’s Fresh Market gift card.


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