Retail Survey – Sanuk Listens Survey

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Sanuk Listens Survey

Sanuk believes you’ll never be uncomfortable in a pair of their shoes, but now is your chance to enter the Sanuk Survey This Southern California based company stocks fun styles of footwear for men, women and kids. As well as having stores through-out the United States, Sanuk shoes are now available in 50 countries across South America, Europe and Asia. Share your thoughts about Sanuk and complete their customer survey today.

Sanuk Guest Survey – Chance to win $250 gift voucher

When did you last visit a Sanuk store? What did you think of the range of shoes available? Did you experience excellent customer service from your sales associate? Now is your chance to tell Sanuk what you think of their brand, shoes, stores and staff by entering their survey To say thanks, you’ll be entered into the draw to win a $250 gift card!

Completing Sanuk Customer Survey –

The Sanuk Survey is simple and only takes a few minutes to complete.

  1. Go to
  2. Choose how you shopped for Sanuk shoes – online, over the phone or at one of their stores.
  3. Answer questions and rate statements about your last experience.
  4. Indicate if you would recommend Sanuk to your family and friends.
  5. Give feedback on the customer service, store appearance, product range and more.
  6. If you would like to leave additional comments, you may type these in the space provided.
  7. Fill in some personal questions.
  8. Fill in your contact details, such as your name and email address to be entered into the sweepstakes where you could win a $250 gift voucher!

About Sanuk Guest Survey

Survey Link:
Official Link:
Survey Prize: Chance to win a $250 Gift Voucher in the sweepstakes.


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