Auto Survey – Mike’s Carwash Survey

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Mike’s Carwash Survey

If you’re from Indiana, you’ll know all about Mike’s Carwash. They’ve come a long way since opening their first carwash way back in 1948. Today, Mike’s Carwash offers customers the most advanced technology available – from touchless hot air dryers to specifically formulated detergents you can expect the best at Mike’s Carwash. Their friendly and knowledgeable team are dedicated to looking after your car and want to hear your opinion in their survey

Mike’s Carwash Guest Feedback Survey – Win a $500 Cash Prize!

What was your last visit to Mike’s Carwash like? How would you rate the customer service and team members at your local carwash? What service did you purchase for your vehicle – works, choice or works plus? Or did you try their self-serve carwash? Now is your chance to give feedback on your visit to Mike’s Carwash by entering their customer survey To say thanks, you’ll be entered into the sweepstakes where you could win $500 cash!

How to Enter Mike’s Carwash Guest Survey –

Completing this Guest Survey is simple.

  1. Make sure you have your last receipt nearby.
  2. Go to the survey page
  3. Fill in the sales number, printed on your receipt.
  4. Give feedback on your carwash experience by rating statements and answering questions relating to the carwash appearance and cleanliness, as well as the cost and staff at your local Mike’s Carwash.
  5. Make specific comments in the allocated space.
  6. Select ‘yes’ when asked if you want to enter the sweepstakes – you could win $500 cash.
  7. Enter your personal and contact details, including your first and last name, as well as your contact number and email address.

About Mike’s Carwash Survey

Survey Link:
Official Site:
Survey Prize: Chance to win $500 cash each month.


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