Retail Survey – IKEA Feedback Survey

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IKEA Feedback Survey

Since 1948 IKEA has been providing their customers with quality, well-designed furniture at a great price. Founded by 17-year old Ingvar Kamprad, IKEA started small and opened their first show room five years later in 1953. Since then IKEA has since grown into the largest furniture retailer in the world, with stores in over 40 countries. Now is your chance to give feedback by completing the IKEA Customer Survey at

IKEA Shopping and Guest Experience Survey

Why do you love shopping at IKEA? Is it because they stock a wide range of quality furniture and accessories at an affordable price? Do you love the range of styles, colors and designs available? How knowledgeable and helpful were the staff members at your local IKEA store? Tell IKEA about your last shopping experience by entering their guest survey at

Entering IKEA Customer Satisfaction Survey –

Completing the IKEA Survey is simple if you follow these instructions.

  1. Go to the survey page
  2. Choose your language.
  3. Choose your country.
  4. Indicate the type of product you purchased or ordered from IKEA.
  5. Provide reasons for placing your order.
  6. Select where you placed your order. Choose from an IKEA store, the IKEA website or an IKEA customer service center.
  7. Tell IKEA the length of time it took for your purchase to be delivered.
  8. Rate your overall satisfaction with the delivery and arrival time.
  9. Keep rating statements and answering questions about your last visit to an IKEA store, including the product range, customer service and overall shopping experience.
  10. If you would like to make comments, please type these in the text box towards the end of the survey.

About IKEA Survey

Survey Link:
Official Site:
By leaving feedback in the IKEA Survey you will be helping IKEA improve your next visit.


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