Restaurant Survey – Chuck E Cheese Survey

29 17762

Do you enjoy going to Chuck E Cheese for something to eat and somewhere where the kids can have fun and play? Known for its fun atmosphere and family friendly pizza restaurant, Chuck E Cheese want to get your feedback on what they are doing well and what could be improved.

Chuck E Cheese Guest Survey

What do you like most about dining at Chuck E Cheese? Do the kids ask you to take them back again and again or do you like the pizza menu with changing flavours and a place where kids can enjoy food and games? Take the short survey and give your opinion.

Complete the Chuck E Cheese Guest Survey by visiting and entering the serial number from your receipt. Answer questions on the quality of food, service and atmosphere to help Chuck E Cheese find out what they are doing particularly well and things that they could do better. Chuck E Cheese appreciates your feedback and you can also sign up for offers for kids free tokens and coupons at

About Chuck E Cheese Guest Survey



  1. Did not like the pizza. The crust was like cardboard. Didnt taste toooo good. Very expensive. I will not plan to come back. Sorry to say but lil ceasers pizza is alot better.

  2. The pizza taste a little different than before. The new cheesy breadsticks was ok, no biggie. But the people are nice and friendly…..and the new look and bigger space is nice,, and the A.C. Feels great ( it works ) overall was a great visit….–norwalk , ca…

  3. i like going to chucke cheese because its a place where kid can be a kid ,infact i wento chucke cheese today 3/1/13 i got 509 tickets i love chucke because he is nice and every time he comes out we do the cupid shuffle dance and he throws tickets in the air. I ALWAYS have fun in that place. My parents can not tell me not to have so muck fum. Thank you to who ever build that place. P.S it was ALIZE LEON who ever reads it dont foget mu name thank .

  4. thank you to who ever made Chucke Cheese because my kids can play there without bothering me or saying can i di this or can i do that so thank you to thje builders and inployes and most of all the maneger for all that you did to put CUCKIE CHEESE together. Love, Iris Leiva Leon

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